Very, very long never blog already!
Hmm, let's see. I'll just blog whatever that comes to my mind.
Oh yesh, haha today's conversation during lunch. We're chatting about boyfriend's height (don't know who start this topic wan) and ... nvm lah i also forgot what they say already. I got STM (short term memory). Haha but i say its easy for me and Cheryl (I know u taller than me A LITTLE BIT ONLY) cause we're both average height. Takkan got guys shorter than us meh? hehe ;D
I don't know when I have this kind of attitude. If I do something, I must do it perfectly or be the best of it. It means that if i want to be something, i want to be the best or one of the best. I don't want to be ordinary.
I still have many things that i want to achieve but I'm not sure if there's enough time to do it. After graduate, straight away work, then study ACCA, Master, and another degree. But see first la, maybe by that time i have no interest in another degree already :)
I want to work in Big 4. That's my aim after i graduate.
I'm addicted to seaweed tablets. I eat like 20-30 tablets a day. Grandma said its good for clearing toxic, but idk really anot la. Eat for fun only hehe.
Watching Star Golden Bell now~ CNBlue + Mblaq :D
9 years ago
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