R.I.P Tohoshinki ♥ (April 27, 2005 - April 3, 2010)
When Nicole called me to tell me this, I was sort of, okay they're done as tohoshinki, okay, i accept it. To be honest, since last year, around Aug/Oct, right after their lawsuit is in a standstill, I stopped following or reading their news. It's not that I don't like or love or care about them anymore.
For me, there's nothing worthy to do so because all the reasons of me liking them, were not there anymore. They used to be a tight, wonderful family of five.
They're funny, adorable, likeable, they are them- Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin. And they're not like that anymore. There were so many rumours of dispute between the boys itself. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not true. There's a reason why there were rumours in the first place. There must be an inch of truth in them. As a fan, I can't continue to like them when the relationship between they themselves has been destroyed.
From the beginning till now, for me, it's not so much about their singing/dancing ability or them being "The Legend".
Even though they're not Tohoshinki anymore,
I will still love them as who they are, as five ordinary human beings. I remember watching their shows and laughing with them and being proud of them when they got on Oricon chart. All these little things.. it's not going to go just because they're not THSK anymore. It means a lot to me.
Also, because of them, I met many good friends whom I have became very close to now and I'm very thankful for that. I also discovered my true interest because, something that I might take in the future after I'm done with my studies.
But what saddens me was since the news of their disbandment came out, a huge majority of fans are declaring to stop supporting them as individuals because they're not Tohoshinki anymore and it's just sad to hear that.
I will still continue to support them individually in the future :)
Good luck on your future undertakings, THSK! :D
is very excited to watch changmin and jaejoong's drama ♥♥♥