Wao, I wrote this yesterday night and now i read back... it's so personal, but nevermind la :D
Start: 11.36pm
Am writing this on my bed atm. 1st day to college for the 3rd year consecutively. 2010/20 represents a new year and new decade for me. 20 is such a big number but i still feel like 16 years old.Why is that most people compares their current age with 16, and not 15 or 17? 15 feels too young and 17, too old. 16 is just nice.
You know what is frustrating? Waking up from a dream, but unable to recall the person's face. I can remember the person and his characteristics perfectly in my dream, then the moment i wake up, the face disappears, then i'd spend the whole day racking my brain and recreating scenes in my dream. ;3
I enjoy dreaming a lot, especially when i'm the one behind it. Like directing my own movie/dream. I do and say what i want- basically it's me in a worldwhere i don't need to hold myself back. I always fly in dreams. But, it's quite difficult because i have to concentrate my energy on making myself lighter to fly. Don't know if this make sense though.
Anyway, 'nuff about flying. -I wrote something here about a dream I recently dreamed of, but it's very personal to me.. something like a secret, i guess. Not that it contains xxx lol, but.. something that i treasure and have been thinking a lot of. So, i'm omitting it out-
Writing about this... makes me feel even more exhausted than i am now. Since few years back, I make up this habit of mine -whenever i think about love/relationships stuffs, i'll get exhausted very fast. It's a way i use to make myself to stop thinking about it because i was having trouble concentrating on studies at that time. It still works now.
Hmm. What to write...
I want to sleep and find that person again. Though it is imposible, if i put my concentration to imagining him, maybe, maybe i could create and continue that dream again.
Ah~ reading back my previous paragraph, i sound like a delusional lovesick (lol) teenager/adult?!. But, writing like this is healthy. I don't usually write like this cause it's like exposing another side of me that i have been hiding. But, what's written, written :) Not gonna delete entries or backspace anymore.
End: 12.00am
Still feel a little heavy-headed now. Maybe cause I haven't eaten my breakfast yet. Going to uni 3 hours later.
Ring ding dong~ ♥
9 years ago
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